Thursday, October 6, 2011

Make it BRIGHT! (shine, baby, shine)

The other day, I was thinking back on my younger days with the temptation to sensationalize that time of my life.

It dawned on me, I am Living it, I've been living it (although I hadn't always realized it).. Not some American dream, not some elusive dream, but MY dreams, and they are coming true in the strangest ways.  And now that I realize what is happening, now that I really know what to do, the possibilities are ENDLESS!

Here I am, now, standing on my own summit of creation, realizing what it REALLY means,seeing these manifestations beginning to appear,  knowing how far I've come, and I am SO excited about the adventure that still lies ahead.

I want to shout it to the roof-tops!


"Make it the BEST!"

"Make it BRIGHT!"

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