Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pondering Love, Revolutions, and Grocery Shopping

Yesterday was a busy Saturday afternoon at the supermarket.  Some people meandered through the aisles, blocking the way for other shoppers, often not moving their carts to the side to let others through.  Some busy people rushed to cut me off and get into an aisle before I did.  Some people gave my son and me dirty looks because he was running off and wanting to scan everything at the price checkers. 

I came home thinking "where's the humanity?" 

I am not so better than those the perceived rude shoppers. 
I came home fuming, feeling pretty lousy from my shopping experience. 

Where is MY humanity? 

Where is the love?

Later on, yesterday evening, I went to bed with a meditation CD; long needed after a busy day.  I haven't listened to this disk in many years.  It has relaxing flute music and a few words from the Dalia Lama about love and opening the heart.  What a treat!  His voice is soft and he sounded, well kind of like Yoda (because of his accent).  He spoke about Love in such a moving, inspirational way.  

I came to the realization I hadn't applied love and compassion in my dealings with my friends at the grocery store.  I realized I don't always apply those feelings of love and compassion for some of my seemingly difficult co-worker friends.

I realize there are so many places I forget to apply this message of Love.

Tonight on Facebook, people are talking about revolutions.  I am going to begin my revolution at home with my mind.  How could I ever expect to go out into the world speaking about freedom and love, when I haven't mastered it within my own mind, heart, and home... or at the grocery store, for that matter.  How could a revolution ever do any good if it didn't first begin with the seeds of Love?   

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life: Perfect problem of illusion

Perfect = Illusion

Problem = Illusion

My Conclusion:

The meaning of life =  Whatever you desire and dream (illusion)... 

Might as well have sweet dreams

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter to a Shrink

Dear Shrink,

Why do you categorize me and put me into your little box?

Why does one thought I have mean so much to you?

I might be on the rag today when I tell you I want to smack my co-worker's face.  If I was 5, I just might have smacked her face.

I will be off the rag tomorrow and feeling much better.  Does that make me bi-polar?  You better hand me a questioneer to make sure.

I know I sound like I don't like you very much, you are just doing your job...

normal, abnormal, potAYto, potAHto

I came to see you, the first step is admitting I have a problem, right?

What if I don't have a problem?  What if my only problem is thinking I had a problem?  Maybe I dwelled on having a problem so long that one appeared?  That must be the true problem.  See, I admitted there is a problem.

Now go away, your fired.