Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter to a Shrink

Dear Shrink,

Why do you categorize me and put me into your little box?

Why does one thought I have mean so much to you?

I might be on the rag today when I tell you I want to smack my co-worker's face.  If I was 5, I just might have smacked her face.

I will be off the rag tomorrow and feeling much better.  Does that make me bi-polar?  You better hand me a questioneer to make sure.

I know I sound like I don't like you very much, you are just doing your job...

normal, abnormal, potAYto, potAHto

I came to see you, the first step is admitting I have a problem, right?

What if I don't have a problem?  What if my only problem is thinking I had a problem?  Maybe I dwelled on having a problem so long that one appeared?  That must be the true problem.  See, I admitted there is a problem.

Now go away, your fired.

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